Intrinsic value tools hub

Wondering how to calculate intrinsic value of a stock? Use our intrinsic value tools to simplify complex valuation concepts and save time.

Value investing tools

Intrinsic Value

Calculate the intrinsic value of a stock using discounted cash flow and relative valuation.
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Value investing tools

Reverse DCF

Reverse DCF analysis tool for reverse discounted cash flow stock valuation.
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Value investing tools

Earnings growth model

Earnings Growth Model estimates annual expected returns by analyzing earnings growth.
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Value investing tools

Peter Lynch charts

Peter Lynch Chart analysis that illustrates the valuation based on the historical P/E.
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Value investing tools

Discount rate

Discount Rate Calculator provides a valuation by estimating the discount rate using WACC, cost of equity, and peer comparison.
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Value investing tools

Margin of safety

Calculate the margin of safety of a stock using discounted cash flow and relative valuation to identify undervalued stocks trading below fair value.
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Value investing tools

DCF value calculator

Calculate intrinsic value, learn discounted cash flow concepts, and explore valuation techniques.
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Value investing tools

Relative Value

Discover our Free Relative Value Calculator to analyze investments by applying valuation multiples.
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Value investing tools

Earnings Power Value

EPV is a valuation method used to estimate a company's intrinsic value based on its current earnings.
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Value investing tools

Peter Lynch Fair Value

Calculate intrinsic value, learn discounted cash flow concepts, and explore valuation techniques.
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Value investing tools

Ben Graham Fair Value

Calculate intrinsic value, learn discounted cash flow concepts, and explore valuation techniques.
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