High ROIC stocks

Discover high ROIC stocks in 2025 that generate returns on invested capital, driving sustainable growth and profitability.

The High ROIC stocks watchlist represent companies demonstrating superior capital efficiency and operational excellence. These companies with highest return on invested capital consistently deliver exceptional high stock returns through strong competitive advantages.
Intrinsic Value
Capital allocation
Crunching data... Almost there!
For investors seeking best performing stocks, these stocks with high return on invested capital offer compelling opportunities, as their proven track record makes them attractive candidates for long-term investors focused on capital efficiency.

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Warren Buffett dividend portfolio

Explore 20 stocks in the Warren Buffett Dividend Portfolio 2025, selected and managed by Berkshire Hathaway.

3M Return 8.8%
S&P Outperformance -4.2%
Next 3M Predicted Return 7.1%

Hidden Small Cap Value Gems

The small cap universe can be a fertile ground for finding undervalued gems. This idea focuses on small public companies with solid financials and attractive valuations.

3M Return *.*%
S&P Outperformance -*.*%
Next 3M Predicted Return **.*%