General Dynamics Corporation (GD)

Last Price$251.61.0%
Market Cap$69.4B
DCF value
Undervalued (DCF value)
Discount Rate
Long-Term Growth Rate
Stock quality

GD DCF Model

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GD DCF Value

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What is General Dynamics Corporation DCF (discounted cash flow) valuation?

As of Feb 27, 2025, General Dynamics Corporation's Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) valuation estimates its share price at $393.6. This suggests it may be undervalued by 56.4% compared to its current price of around $251.6, using a WACC of 6.7% and growth rates of 2.0%.

What is General Dynamics Corporation WACC?

As of Feb 27, 2025, General Dynamics Corporation's Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC) is approximately 6.7%.

What is General Dynamics Corporation Enterprise Value?

As of Feb 27, 2025, General Dynamics Corporation's Enterprise Value (EV) is approximately $117.2B. This value reflects the company's total market capitalization plus debt, minus cash and cash equivalents, providing a comprehensive measure of its overall value in the market.