L3Harris Technologies, Inc. (LHX)

Last Price$204.91.3%
Market Cap$38.6B
EPS growth
Peter Lynch Fair Value
Undervalued (Peter Lynch formula)
Stock quality

LHX Peter Lynch Fair Value

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What is L3Harris Technologies, Inc. fair value by Peter Lynch formula?

As of Feb 27, 2025, L3Harris Technologies, Inc.'s fair value using the Peter Lynch formula is $398.6 per share. The current price of $204.9 suggests L3Harris Technologies, Inc. may be undervalued by this metric.

What is L3Harris Technologies, Inc. Price to Earnings (P/E) ratio?

As of Feb 27, 2025, L3Harris Technologies, Inc.'s P/E ratio is 25.7x. This is calculated by dividing the current share price of $204.9 by the Earnings per Share (EPS) for the trailing twelve months, which is ($0.0). The P/E ratio indicates how much investors are willing to pay for each dollar of earnings.

What is L3Harris Technologies, Inc. earnings per share (EPS)?

L3Harris Technologies, Inc. earnings per share (EPS) for the twelve months ending Feb 27, 2025, was ($0.0), a 47.8% growth year-over-year.