AT&T Inc. (T)
Last Price$27.71.1%
Market Cap$199.5B
Intrinsic value score
Intrinsic value
DCF value - $6.9 Relative value - $21.5
Peer set median 10.4x
Discount rate

T Intrinsic value

Key Highlights:
As of Mar 03, 2025 T Relative Value is $21.6, which is overvalued by 22.0%, compared to current share price of $27.7.
As of Mar 03, 2025 T DCF Value is $6.9, which is overvalued by 75.2%, compared to current share price of $27.7.
Price per share, $
Current share price

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What is AT&T Inc. intrinsic value?

As of Mar 03, 2025, AT&T Inc. Intrinsic Value is $14.2. This suggests it may be overvalued by 48.8% compared to its current price of around $27.7.

What is AT&T Inc. DCF (discounted cash flow) valuation?

As of Mar 03, 2025, AT&T Inc.'s Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) valuation estimates its share price at $6.9. This suggests it may be overvalued by 75.2% to its current price of around $27.7, using a discount rate of 4.8% and terminal growth rate of 2.5%.

Is AT&T Inc. overvalued or undervalued?

AT&T Inc. is currently considered overvalued based on its Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) valuation and Relative Valuation, which estimates its share price to be $14.2, compared to a market price of around $27.7. This suggests a potential overvaluation of 48.8%.