The Estée Lauder Companies Inc. (EL)

Last Price$82.8(0.8%)
Market Cap$29.8B
LTM Dividend per Share (DPS)
5Y avg
Household & Personal Products industry median
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The Estée Lauder Companies Inc. Dividend per Share (DPS)

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1) What is The Estée Lauder Companies Inc.'s Dividend per Share (DPS)?

As of today, The Estée Lauder Companies Inc.'s last 12-month Dividend per Share (DPS) is $2.6, based on the financial report for Sep 30, 2024 (Q3 2024).

2) What is The Estée Lauder Companies Inc.'s Dividend per Share (DPS) growth rate?

Over the last year, The Estée Lauder Companies Inc.'s Dividend per Share (DPS) growth was 2.4%. The average annual Dividend per Share (DPS) growth rates for The Estée Lauder Companies Inc. have been 21.4% over the past three years, 10.2% over the past five years.

3) Is The Estée Lauder Companies Inc.'s Dividend per Share (DPS) growth rate Good?

Over the last year, The Estée Lauder Companies Inc.'s Dividend per Share (DPS) growth was 2.4%, which is higher than industry growth of (0.0%). It indicates that The Estée Lauder Companies Inc.'s Dividend per Share (DPS) growth is Good.

4) How does The Estée Lauder Companies Inc.'s Dividend per Share (DPS) growth rate compare to its peers?

Over the last year, The Estée Lauder Companies Inc.'s Dividend per Share (DPS) growth was 2.4%, which is higher than peer median growth of (43.8%). The list of peers includes CLX, PG, KMB, UL, CL, CHD, KVUE, COTY, ELF, HIMS etc.